Completely automated release so expect occasional problems - Report issues and suggest improvements here or on discord.
I am not affiliated with SubsPlease. This is a personal project that may stop at any time.
Video - Netflix (AVC) via ToonsHub
Audio - Amazon Hidive Channel (EAC3) via Erai-raws
Subtitles - Hidive (Modified) via Erai-raws
Chapters - Automatic
Fansub recommendation if you can wait:
Enhancements automatically applied:
- Main dialogue restyled to Gandhi-Sans styling
- Timing post processor applied to patch up Hidive's terrible timing, snap to keyframe, etc.
- Readable subtitles - Overlapping lines no longer shift positions when you're trying to read them
- Signs have their proper fonts ripped
- Hidive's small font style for alternative speakers moved to top of screen
- Detection to add basic song styling
- Overlapping main dialogue given blue outline to differentiate speakers
- Fixed signs displaying on top of dialogue
- Faux em-dashes converted to real ones
- Proper stutter (W-what?! -> Wh-What?!, S-s-s-subsplus -> S-S-S-Subsplus)
- Detect OP & ED chapters using animethemes api
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